Ella Fitzgerald is one of the great jazz singers, with a smooth delivery and a broad range of vocal skills. She represents a fusion between jazz and popular music. Birthplace: Newport News. Known for his 'Give me liberty or give me death' speech, Patrick Henry agitated for the Revolution. He later became governor of Virginia and worked on the Bill of Rights. Birthplace: Hanover County. One of the greatest thinkers of our time, Thomas Jefferson was the principal writer of this country's Declaration of Independence. In his term as president, he made the Louisiana Purchase. His contributions to humanity and to science are many. Birthplace: Goochland. Robert E. Lee did not believe in slavery, but he did think that the decision was up to the individual states and not the federal government. He assumed command of the Confederate Army in 1862 and led them on many successful campaigns. Though his brilliant campaign strategy and tactics are still studied today, Lee was forced to surrender to Ulysses Grant at Appomattox in April 1865. Birthplace: Stratford. Sometimes referred to as the 'Father of the U.S. Constitution,' James Madison was an integral part of the formation of our country and its policies. The War of 1812 with Great Britain occurred during Madison's two terms as president. Birthplace: Port Conway. A diplomatic president of the United States, James Monroe is primarily remembered for his Monroe Doctrine. This doctrine attempted to prevent European colonization of Latin America with the promise that the US would stay out of European affairs. This left Central and South America open to greater US involvement. Birthplace: Westmoreland County. A former Marine, George C. Scott turned to acting on both the stage and in film. He is best known for his role in "Patton", for which he won an Academy Award, an award that he declined. He also appeared in "Dr. Strangelove" and "Petulia." Birthplace: Wise. Former governor of Virginia, John Tyler took the highest office in the land after William Henry Harrison died. He was the first vice-president to assume the Presidency after such a tragedy. Birthplace: Charles City. The founder of Tuskegee Institute, Booker T. Washington was a great believer in education for all black people. George Washington Carver studied at Tuskegee. Birthplace: Hale's Ford. George Washington is the most notable symbol of our country and was the first president of the United States. He was an outstanding commander of the Revolutionary armed forces, and General Cornwallis surrendered to Washington in 1781. He served two terms as president, steering a neutral ground as the new nation earned respect and acceptance from the rest of the world. Birthplace: Westmoreland County. A former governor of New Jersey and president of Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson was the twenty-eighth president of the United States. His term included the dreadful first World War and the dissolution of militant European empires. The 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave women the right to vote, was approved during his term. Birthplace: Staunton.